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Learn To Create A Mind Map In Word? Here’s How!

Creating a mind map in Word is extremely easy. As you may very well know Microsoft Word is equipped with creation and drawing tools that are easy to use and navigate. With a bit of creativity, you can make use of these tools to create excellent mind maps. 

In fact, there is no real need for mind mapping software applications when you simply use MS Word only. 

mind maps in a word document

All you need to do is mind map in Word. Use a bit of imagination and creativity on the map. And you have a practical mind map in your Word file!

In this tutorial, I will show you 3 methods for mind mapping in Word. The first two don’t require additional tools. The last one is for people who want to move to the highest level in MS Word mind mapping 🙂

Steps on How to Create a Mind Map in Word

To get you started take a look at the steps below to create a mind map in Microsoft Word style.

  • Open Microsoft Word. From the toolbar click the “Insert” tab then select “Shapes”. From the drop-down menu you will have your choice of different shapes.
finding the right menu in word for mind mapping

  • For starter select a circle. You can simply adjust its size using the handles.
beginning of.a mind map in word

  • Then from the “Insert Menu” click the “Text Box” tab to type in your main theme or main topic inside the circle.
adding text to a mind map in word

  • Right click on the text box and select “Format Text Box”. Click the “Colors and Lines” tab and select “No Color” in the Color drop-down menu. Click “OK” to confirm. This will hide the borders of your text box.
updating the line style in word for a mind map

Repeat steps 1 to 4 to add related concepts or ideas to your mind map. Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Shapes” then click on a line to represent the relationship among the different branches of your main topic.

As you can see creating a mind map in Word only takes five very simple steps. 

Want to make summaries in mind maps faster?

Check out this…


Here Is The Next Level in MS Word Mind Mapping…

Once you understand how you can create a mind map easily using the Shapes option, you can also start doing the following…

Start using SmartArt. This is also available in the INSERT menu option. Under SmartArt menu, there are many different outlines you can use.

Creating even better mind maps in word

Some look like mind maps. Others are different visual overviews. Simply choose one and edit it to show your ideas.

choosing mind map styles in word

Here’s an Additional Power Tip!

Next time you created a mind map or visual overview in MS Word, make sure you save it. 

No, I don’t mean saving your file! I mean saving the mind map or visual. Select the entire map, and copy it to a file that has all your mind maps or visuals. 

This way you don’t have to create one new one every time you start mind mapping in Word. 

And Now For The Highest Level in Word Mind Mapping!

There is another way you can use a mind map in Word. That is by using a mind mapping tool. 

In the tool, you create your mind map. Once you are finished, you simply take a screenshot of it and you paste that into your Word file. The problem of course is that your map can not be edited. 

The beauty is that your maps look really professional!

Make Your Very Own Mind Map In Word

Now that you’ve seen how simple and easy it is to make a mind map in Word it’s time you make one yourself!

Just follow the simple steps shown above or make use of a mind map template via SmartArt to make your mind mapping much easier.

You know you can get a lot more productive and communicate a lot better once you start using mind maps. Now let’s get started! Start mind mapping in MS Word right now!

Oh… here is a small infographic that will help you get started immediately. It shows you the steps in creating a mind map in Word on 1 sheet. Download the infographic here (no email address needed).

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