Thank you for enrolling!

Welcome To Studying with mind maps!

I applaud you for using your mind smarter and studying with less stress!

Your Training Starts Now!

In a few minutes, you receive 2 emails from me:

One with the invoice, the other with the login details for your training


Let’s get started with your training. To make sure you get the most out of your training, here what you should do next:

1. I have a survey for you. Answer the questions by clicking the link below.

I will use your answers to make your training fit your needs.

2. If you have any questions, now or until  your training starts… send me a message. I am more than happy to assist you.

3. Open the email with the course login information and get started!

I really look forward to working with you!

Make sure you have mind mapping software installed!

Visit the software page and download one of the tools listed on that page. This way you can start mind mapping when your training starts (Friday 15, 2019)

Also find a study book that you want to work with. We will use this book for your training!

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