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Mind Mapping Examples (that teach you something)

So you are interested in mind mapping examples? Great to see you are taking the time to visit this page.

On this website, you will learn from the speakers from all around the world some amazing, interesting, smart and funny things.I don’t want to just show you a bunch of nice images. That is not what mind mapping is all about for me. A mind map should educate, inspire and make you take action.

The maps are created by me personally to give you an insight in other ideas and thoughts captured in mind mapping examples.

I also included a number of maps I found online which give nice impressions of the many uses of mind mapping. Let’s go and have a look at information in a different format, in mind maps!

Mind Mapping Examples from TED talks

Here are the first maps. Feel free to have a closer look by clicking on them. When you feel you want to have a talk transformed into a mind map, let me know and I create it for you and the rest of our community.

TED TALK: Daniel Pink On Motivation

Mind Mapping Examples: Daniel Pink On MotivationTED TALK:Michael Norton on Happiness

Michael Norton On Happiness


Mind Mapping Examples from Around The Web


Strategies for taking control
source: Jane Genovese



When you like to learn more or need specific mind mapping examples, let me know!


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